• Forsaken (overlapping) Utopias – TIMELINE

    As we are all working and living in Vienna, our research mainly focuses on Vienna. Starting from there we are interested in the intertwining of “forsaken” social utopias embedded e.g. in the social housing buildings and their artistic ornamentation. Through this Déjà-vu like associations we connect Chile with Vienna and the 1920s with the 1970s.…

  • Forsaken (overlapping) Utopias

    Forsaken (overlapping) Utopias

    Forsaken (overlapping) Utopias – Vienna Research Group Main researchers: Carla Bobadilla, Andrea Hubin, Barbara Mahlknecht, Karin Schneider Research string(s): models of critical pedagogy; activation of historical experiences Hans Tietze was an Austrian art historian born in 1880 in Praha, he died in 1954 in New York. Coming from an assimilated Jewish family he and his…

  • Stories of Arts Education: Transportation of German art educational ideas to China: Reconstructing the route

    Stories of Arts Education: Transportation of German art educational ideas to China: Reconstructing the route

    by Yuk Lin Cheng In early 20th century, the pace of Westernization became faster in China, more and more Chinese intellectuals took an active role in importing Western knowledge. Among the many Western knowledge, German philosophy, aesthetic theories and art educational ideas were also imported and began to play a role in constructing the rationale…

  • Stories of Arts Education: Paulo Freire in Geneva

    Stories of Arts Education: Paulo Freire in Geneva

    by microsillons – Geneva/Zurich research group INTRODUCTION / POSITIONING Since we began to develop collaborative pedagogical art projects as the collective microsillons in 2006, the work of Paulo Freire has been a key reference for us. It’s only years after reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed [1] for the first time that we found out that…

  • International Meeting São Paulo (October 2016)

    from October 23 to 30, 2016 Fundação Bienal de São Paulo Parque Ibirapuera – Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n – Ibirapuera, São Paulo The cluster Intertwining Histories and the Africa Cluster will hold a week-long encounter of internal work and semi-public programmes in collaboration with the 32nd biennial of São Paulo. From 24th to 26th…

  • Sao Paulo Meeting (internal)

    Please share your minutes of meeting sessions creating a post in the blog “Sao Paulo documentation – minutes” below. You can upload photos and documents to the Folder “Documetation: files and photos” below. (note: if you have to upload many files or images at once, the interface for the upload in galleries or folders can…

  • Schedule for Sao Paulo

    Schedule for Sao Paulo

    Dear colleagues, the draft schedule for the meeting in Sao Paulo is available now! Please read through this document carefully, concerning the preparation for the meeting!! Any suggestions and questions please comment below, looking forward to seeing you all there!! Meeting schedule Here you find the list of participants with all arrival and departure dates…


    INTERTWINING HI/STORIES was a Cluster project by partners in the network “Another Roadmap for Arts Education” in Maseru, Johannesburg, Hong Kong, Lubumbashi, Nyanza, Vienna, Kampala/Namulanda and Geneva/Zurich. Between June 2016 and July 2018, the working groups studied histories of arts education and their global overlapping within particular case studies (“stories”). Our general research interest was:…