sobre el estado de la fase Deshacer Instituiciones
Nosotros – Cayo, Luiza (Brasil) y Adela (Ljubliana) –– hemos coordinado la fase Deshaciendo Instituiciones hace algunos meses.
Todos contestarón de forma muy completa las preguntas acerca de las instituiciones donde/con quien trabajan.
Copilamos todo ese material que nos parece muy interesante en el sentido que define más claramente los diferentes contextos en que trabajamos, como las estructuras están organizadas.
About Undoing Instituitions
All the members of Popular Education Cluster have answered the questions about the institutions where / with whom we work. The answers are very complete and full of information.
We compiled all that material and believe it is very interesting in the sense that defines in a more clear way the different contexts in which we work, as well how are the labour organisations.
However, the answers mention very little about experiences of reorganisation or self-criticism. Therefore, from the answers, the coordinators of the phase will return to the members of the group and try to specify better those experiences of “un-doing” or “reorganise”, asking for more details, but also more objectivity, so we can conclude the phase between March and April 2018.
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