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"A Communion of Spirits": Another Roadmap International Meeting in Huye, RW (August 2018)

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In August 2018 delegates of all working groups of Another Roadmap School gathered for one week at the building of the currently shut down Faculty of Media, Arts and Technology (NSPA) in Huye, Rwanda.

Helsinki working group

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The Helsinki working group of Another Roadmap was convened by Nora Sternfeld, Professor for Curating and Mediating Art at the School of Arts, Aalto University, with Ahmend al-Nawas organising this group of students from the MA course in Curating, Managing and Mediating Art.  The degree programme involves students in reflecting about the audiences of contemporary art, its presentation and reception in the context of pedagogical models of shared expertise and exploratory learning. Forming a research group contributing to Another Roadmap is part of this open, conversational and dialogical space for learning and acting.