about intertwining histories Africa Cluster ARAC Art Education cairo working group COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY Geneva/Zurich glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group Kampala kampala working group Maseru maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna workshop
Tools and Activities for Learning
Experiments in Injecting Critical Readings of the History of Arts and Design Education into an Introductory Course in Publication Design
WORKING GROUP: KAMPALA AUTHORS: KITTO DERRICK WINTERGREEN AND EMMA WOLUKAU-WANAMBWA ABSTRACT This learning unit was designed for use by 1 st year diploma level visual communication students at a tertiary-level art and design school in Uganda. Its aim was to introduce the students to publication design (as specified in the curriculum) while at the same…
Decolonising Literacy with Critical Pedagogy
WORKING GROUP: MASERU AUTHORS: BA RE E NE RE LITERARY ARTS : LINEO SEGOETE, ZACHARY ROSEN ABSTRACT This Learning Unit is intended to provide activity plans for students or other learners in late primary to high school, though they can be shared with any group of people with moderate literacy skills. The activities may be…
Changing Places
WORKING GROUP: MANILA AUTHORS: EILEEN LEGASPI-RAMIREZ, MARY ANN JOSETTE PERNIA, IRIS ANGELA FERRER, BON HENRYK CORACHEA ABSTRACT Art’s power to enable a reimagination of the present is behind the possibly utopic title of this Learning Unit. By inviting you to think about what could happen when visual relations are reshaped within a picture frame, we…
Activating Archives Through Radical Methods
WORKING GROUP: LONDON AUTHORS: JANNA GRAHAM, EVAN IFEKOYA, RAISA KABIR, RUDY LOEWE AND RAJU RAGE ABSTRACT This Learning Unit is concerned with decolonising art educations, unlearning histories that replicate the colonial gaze, re-formatting our own art educations and a re-positioning of this canon by centring artists and cultural producers of colour. We are focused on…
Maseru Working Group Collaborates with Inkanyiso (ZA) for the Rutanang Project (28 January – 1 February 2019)
Member organisations of the Maseru working group collaborated with Inkanyiso , a South African queer media and activism organisation, to co-facilitate a photography and creative writing workshop for young women. The aim of the Rutanang project was to produce a body of visual and written work on the topic of violence against women and vulnerable…