about intertwining histories Africa Cluster ARAC Art Education cairo working group COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY Geneva/Zurich glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group Kampala kampala working group Maseru maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna workshop
Tools and Activities for Learning
Members list
On 2 January 2023, we bid farewell to Emma, the founder of ARAC and core of all our activities. Everyone who ever crossed with Emma can bare testimony to her brilliance, fore-sight, care and depth of knowledge. We have collectively agreed to carry on as ARAC without our anchor, trusting in her vision, the individual…
ARAC Newsletters
These newsletters were inspired by Emma, who identified them as an easy way to keep up with the Cluster’s activites during documenta 15 (2022). We agreed that it was a well organised and fun way to stay in touch among ourselves, and now with our public. They start at issue 3 because the first 2…
If you have questions or inquiries about the network Another Roadmap for Arts Education or wish to contact us for any other reason, feel free to write an e-mail to contact@another-roadmap.net
Resonancias Open Session, Nov 5, 2024: Alejandro Cevallos
Colonial persistences, narrative resistences: Reflecting on my experience of educational practice in a Quito city museum Persistencias coloniales, resistencias narrativas: Revisando mi experiencia de trabajo educativo en un museo en la ciudad de Quito ENBetween 2011 and 2023 I worked as a coordinator of the Historical Museum of the City of Quito, a city where…
Resonancias Open Sessions, Dec 4, 2024: Cayo Honorato
Post-critical Education in Art Museums: The Reformulation of Critique through Cultural Mediation Educación post-critica en museos de arte: la reformulación de crítica a través de la mediación cultural ENThe discussion will propose a reformulation of cultural mediation in terms of a post-critical mediation (or more-than-human ‘anthropology’ of mediations), in response to the crises brought about…
La noción de mediación comunitaria como práctica crítica y comprometida con la justicia social no es sinónimo de consenso, participación ni celebración de la diversidad; más bien aparece como una pregunta irresuelta sobre qué es lo que trans-forma o podría transformar y sobre sus puntos ciegos. En medio de la celebración por los diez años…
“Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures”: A New Project for 2020
When the project “ Letters to/from Cairo, Dehli, Gwangju/Cologne, Johannesburg & Richmond: Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures” started, the method was a meditation on “ Fantasy, Thought, Feeling and Speculation as Action” through a set/suite of questions, prompts and propositions: How do we, in the year 2020/10 or whenever…