about intertwining histories Africa Cluster ARAC Art Education cairo working group COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY Geneva/Zurich glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group Kampala kampala working group Maseru maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna workshop
Tools and Activities for Learning
Fulbright Specialist Recommends that Learning Units created by the Kampala Working Group are used as Templates for Art School Curricula (August 2019)
The US-based artist and art educator Sherry Erskine spent a semester in residence at the Nagenda International Academy of Art in Design (NIAAD), home of the Kampala Working Group. While she was at NIAAD, Sherry, who is a Fulbright Specialist in World Learning, both observed teaching and reviewed curricula. In the report that she submitted…
UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE Desencuentros entre el método de alfabetización critica de Paulo Freire y las cosmovisiones andinas (versión castellano)
¿Cómo se reformuló o se adaptó el método de alfabetización crítica propuesto por Freire en tu contexto? de acuerdo con la diferencia cultural o lingüística local? ¿Cómo son, cómo han sido, o cómo podrían ser las prácticas educativas que no se basan en la oposición cultura-naturaleza? Grimaldo Rengifo fue miembro de una brigada de alfabetización…
Sirak Warmikuna Mercado San Roquepi / Mujeres bordando en el Mercado San Roque #educación popular #educación intercultural #mercados populares po Alejandro Cevallos N. y / María Elena Tasiguano. Nos propusimos imaginar formas de trabajo cooperativo con mujeres del comercio popular porque ellas nos habían desafiado a pensar con las manos, ha involucrarnos más allá del…
Shunko-Rumi prácticas y saberes de mujeres hierbateras de Quito (capitulo 1 pieza radial)
Un material educativo derivado de la unidad de aprendizaje Desencuentros entre el método de alfabetización critica de Paulo Freire y las cosmovisiones andinas del grupo Quito-Cuernavaca. Esta pieza radial surgió a partir de las derivas de nuestro taller de bordado, nos preguntabamos sobre los saberes y las prácticas de las mujeres trabajadoras del mercado San…
Shunko-Rumi prácticas y saberes de mujeres hierbateras de Quito (capitulo 1 pieza radial)
Un material educativo derivado de la unidad de aprendizaje Desencuentros entre el método de alfabetización critica de Paulo Freire y las cosmovisiones andinas del grupo Quito-Cuernavaca. Esta pieza radial surgió a partir de las derivas de nuestro taller de bordado, nos preguntabamos sobre los saberes y las prácticas de las mujeres trabajadoras del mercado San…
Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) participation in the #Im4thearts Capacity Building Winter School (22-24 June 2020)
Formed in January 2020, #Im4theArts is an artist-led movement for the rights of all workers in the South African arts sector with 18,000 Facebook and 800 formally registered members that are working for accountability and economic sustainability in the creative sector. The #Im4theArts Winter School was a response to members’ needs for capacity-building. As part…
Kampala Working Group visits Johannesburg Working Group (February – May 2020)
In pursuit of her doctoral research into the colonial archive, Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa of the Kampala Working Group spent the first semester of 2020 as a Visiting Researcher at the Wits School of the Arts, where she both pursued her research and participated in teaching with her colleagues from the Johannesburg Working Group. In late February…
Nyanza Working Group launches «École du Soir» (February 2020)
École du soir (Evening School, EDS for short) is a multiform hosting structure for collective feeling, cooperative thinking, and mutual action. EDS is convened by artist Christian Nyampeta, with the support of and alongside a chorus of fellow artists, institutions, and networks. The structure of this “evening school” draws from Senegalese writer and film director Ousmane…
ARAC welcomes Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández as Invited Expert for the ARAC-ARA Symposium (February 2020)
ARAC was delighted to welcome Rubén A. Gaztambide-Fernández of the Toronto Working Group as our invited expert for the ARAC-ARA Symposium on Artistic Education in Africa in February 2020. Rubén is Professor of Curriculum & Pedagogy and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Curriculum Inquiry at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of…