about intertwining histories Africa Cluster ARAC Art Education cairo working group COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY Geneva/Zurich glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group Kampala kampala working group Maseru maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna workshop
Tools and Activities for Learning
CHALLENGE THE MUSEUM Published at: August 12, 2020 DESAFIAR EL MUSEO Published at: August 12, 2020
ARAC Zines
Members of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) put together zines in 2018 as a summary of their individual research projects and activities. The Zines may be viewed as a repository of the key components of knowledge creation and dissemination embarked on by the various members, or they may be used as learning/teaching aids for…
The Ignorant Schoolmasters at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (9 April 2019)
Lineo Segoete of the Maseru Working Group gave a lecture entitled The Ignorant Schoolmasters at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in the context of the seminar “Art and Education. Positions and Analyses,” led by Barbara Mahlknecht of the Vienna Working Group on 9 April 2019. the lecture was based on a joint essay between…
Johannesburg Working Group organises two further Iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline in April and May 2019
Two further iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline have taken place in Johannesburg – one at theSymposium ‘Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies’ at the Bag Factory and the other at Wits University Braamfontein Campus during Africa Month. 5-6 April 2019 Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies: A symposium The Bag Factory Artists’ Studios, The Swedish Embassy in…
Johannesburg Working Group organises two further Iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline in April and May 2019
Two further iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline have taken place in Johannesburg – one at theSymposium ‘Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies’ at the Bag Factory and the other at Wits University Braamfontein Campus during Africa Month. 5-6 April 2019 Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies: A symposium The Bag Factory Artists’ Studios, The Swedish Embassy in…
3L Conference on Literature, Language and Linguistics, National University of Lesotho (5-7 February 2019)
Members of the Maseru Working Group presented their first academic paper, ‘Decolonial Literary Practice in Lesotho: The Work of Ba re e ne re Literature Festival’ at this conference, which was jointly organised by Departments of African Languages and Literature, English, French and Communications and Study Skills Unit of the Faculty of Humanities at the…
Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline – EN | ES | FR
The Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline is an educational tool developed by intertwining hi/stories to engage with arts education histories and their global connections. The timeline includes a set of un-foldable cards and an instruction of use. When activated, it encourages participants to look for new ways of representing history of arts education, taking into account a range…