about intertwining histories Africa Cluster ARAC Art Education cairo working group COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY Geneva/Zurich glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group Kampala kampala working group Maseru maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna workshop
Tools and Activities for Learning
Dear interested readers and educators
By Nana Adusei-Poku After working/observing and thinking with the Another Roadmap Research teams over the period of three years, I would like to use this opportunity to emphasize the sensitivity with which each workgroup worked on their often very difficult historical material. Many of the sources, visual and textual are carefully used in the learning…
Now online: Learning Units and Un/chrono/logical timeline
Working groups of the international network Another Roadmap for Arts Education since 2016 have collaborated in the research project intertwining hi/stories, supported by Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, on local histories of learning in/through the arts and their global entanglements. Researchers, educators and cultural producers in Hong Kong, Berlin, Vienna, Maseru, Quito, Cuernavaca, Bogotá, Johannesburg, Lubumbashi, Nyanza,…
Supporters/ Apoyo
The Cluster Popular Education is supported by El Grupo de Educación Popular está apoyado por
PDF documents – tools and activities for learning
Interview with Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez – Crianza Or The Art of Nurturing – EN Published at: April 26, 2021 Kampala 1967_UN_CHRONO_LOGICAL TIMELINE Published at: April 26, 2021 Learning Unit – Berlin Published at: October 31, 2023 Learning Unit – Bogota Published at: October 31, 2023 Learning Unit – Geneva Published at: October 31, 2023 Learning…
Discrepancies between Paulo Freire’s Method of Critical Literacy and Andean World-Views
WORKING GROUPS: QUITO, CUERNAVACAAUTHOR: ALEJANDRO CEVALLOS ABSTRACT The work itinerary that we propose in this learning unit consists of materials, texts, images and personal anecdotes that Sofía Olascoaga[1] and I gathered on a visit we made to WAMAN WASI, a center of cultural affirmation and recovery of Amazonian Andean peasant technologies in Lamas Peru. The questions we…
Reflection of Practices through Dialogue with Images and Written Conversations – Activation of Archives of Popular Education
WORKING GROUP: BOGOTÁ AUTHORS: MOISÉS LONDOÑO, NICOLÁS NAVAS, MÓNICA ROMERO, LYZ TORRES, JOHN VÁSQUEZ, MIGUEL VEGA, MARCELA GARZÓN ABSTRACT This Learning Unit shows, with the help of a video we as Bogota Working Group produced, a possibility of how to put central concepts of Paulo Freire into a new and present context. We propose to…
Reengaging Freire: Paulo and Elza in Geneva
WORKING GROUP: GENEVA/ZURICH AUTHORS: MICROSILLONS – MARIANNE GUARINO-HUET, OLIVIER DESVOIGNES ABSTRACT This Learning Unit offers historical information about the ten years the pedagogue Paulo Freire (1921, Recife – 1997 São Paulo), his wife Elza and their children spent in Geneva in the 1970s. It also presents four experiments, realized by autonomous gallery educators, to reinvent…