Search results for: “articles”
Recommendations for your arrival in Sao Paulo
Here are some infos for your arrival in Sao Paulo: Locations and contacts Fundação Bienal de São Paulo Parque do Ibirapuera · Portão 3 Pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo · 3º andar 04094-000 · São Paulo · SP · Brasil Tel: +55 11 5576 7600 Hotel Quality Jardins Alameda Campinas, 540 São Paulo – SP – CEP:…
by Maseru working group/Ba re e ne re RULES AND REGULATIONS AT THABENG CONTROL SCHOOL This document was written in 1917 at a time when the world as a whole was experiencing a significant moment; World War 1. Males across the globe were drafted to go “defend their countries” at war. In the context of Lesotho…
Stories of Arts Education: Transportation of German art educational ideas to China: Reconstructing the route
by Yuk Lin Cheng In early 20th century, the pace of Westernization became faster in China, more and more Chinese intellectuals took an active role in importing Western knowledge. Among the many Western knowledge, German philosophy, aesthetic theories and art educational ideas were also imported and began to play a role in constructing the rationale…
Transportation of German art educational ideas to China: Reconstructing the route
by Yuk Lin Cheng In early 20th century, the pace of Westernization became faster in China, more and more Chinese intellectuals took an active role in importing Western knowledge. Among the many Western knowledge, German philosophy, aesthetic theories and art educational ideas were also imported and began to play a role in constructing the rationale…
Ljubljana group
Ljubljana group activities are centred around the education and mediation department of the MG+MSUM (Moderna galerija, Ljubljana). The core of the group consists of five people: Adela Železnik , senior curator for public programmes at the MG+MSUM, Lucija Cvjetković , educator at the MG+MSUM, Dana Terzić , artist and educator at the MG+MSUM, Ksenija Kumer…
Stories of Arts Education: Paulo Freire in Geneva
by microsillons – Geneva/Zurich research group INTRODUCTION / POSITIONING Since we began to develop collaborative pedagogical art projects as the collective microsillons in 2006, the work of Paulo Freire has been a key reference for us. It’s only years after reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed [1] for the first time that we found out that…
by microsillons – Geneva/Zurich research group INTRODUCTION / POSITIONING Since we began to develop collaborative pedagogical art projects as the collective microsillons in 2006, the work of Paulo Freire has been a key reference for us. It’s only years after reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed [1] for the first time that we found out that…
Ljubljana working group
The Ljubljana working group has been formed in October 2011 in order to join their experiences and professional knowledge to critically assess the influences of the ideology to the elementary school curriculum, especially regarding the arts education as well as to collect the case studies of emancipatory educational practices from the territory of ex-Yugoslavia. The…
Johannesburg working group
The Wits School of Arts has been involved in the Another Roadmap project since February 2012 when David Andrew attended the introductory conference at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, Canada. Since then, two workshops have taken place in June and August 2012 at the University of the Witwatersrand,…