Search results for: “events”
“Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures”: A New Project for 2020
When the project “ Letters to/from Cairo, Dehli, Gwangju/Cologne, Johannesburg & Richmond: Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures” started, the method was a meditation on “ Fantasy, Thought, Feeling and Speculation as Action” through a set/suite of questions, prompts and propositions: How do we, in the year 2020/10 or whenever…
Nyanza Working Group launches «École du Soir» (February 2020)
École du soir (Evening School, EDS for short) is a multiform hosting structure for collective feeling, cooperative thinking, and mutual action. EDS is convened by artist Christian Nyampeta, with the support of and alongside a chorus of fellow artists, institutions, and networks. The structure of this “evening school” draws from Senegalese writer and film director Ousmane…
ARAC Partners with Arts Research Africa to Convene a Symposium on Artistic Education in Johannesburg (10-18 February 2020)
At the invitation of Arts Research Africa (a research initiative of the Wits School of the Arts, the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) convened a Symposium on Artistic Research in Africa that took place at Wits University, Keleketla! Library and other sites of knowledge production and speculation in Johannesburg, 10-18 February 2020. Another Roadmap for…
Nyanza Working Group meets with anthropologist Natacha Nsabimana at Sculpture Center and e-flux in New York (14 – 26 October, 2019)
In October 2019, the Nyanza Working Group convened a work week in New York that brought Isaïe Nzeyimana from Huye in Rwanda to New York, where he attended and led interpretation workshops of his own French writing that is being translated collectively into English for the first time. The week culminated in; An Evening with…
Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline – EN | ES | FR
The Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline is an educational tool developed by intertwining hi/stories to engage with arts education histories and their global connections. The timeline includes a set of un-foldable cards and an instruction of use. When activated, it encourages participants to look for new ways of representing history of arts education, taking into account a range…
Now online: Learning Units and Un/chrono/logical timeline
Working groups of the international network Another Roadmap for Arts Education since 2016 have collaborated in the research project intertwining hi/stories, supported by Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, on local histories of learning in/through the arts and their global entanglements. Researchers, educators and cultural producers in Hong Kong, Berlin, Vienna, Maseru, Quito, Cuernavaca, Bogotá, Johannesburg, Lubumbashi, Nyanza,…
Reconstructing the Route – Importation of German Art Educational Ideas
WORKING GROUP: HONG KONG AUTHORS: CHENG YUK LIN ABSTRACT This learning unit aims at helping the readers to get a glimpse of the big picture of the importation of German art educational ideas to China in the early 20th century. This big picture includes the importation of Western visual arts, aesthetics and art education before…
Activating Archives Through Radical Methods
WORKING GROUP: LONDON AUTHORS: JANNA GRAHAM, EVAN IFEKOYA, RAISA KABIR, RUDY LOEWE AND RAJU RAGE ABSTRACT This Learning Unit is concerned with decolonising art educations, unlearning histories that replicate the colonial gaze, re-formatting our own art educations and a re-positioning of this canon by centring artists and cultural producers of colour. We are focused on…