Symposium: intertwining hi/stories of arts education
intertwining hi/stories of arts education Public Symposium: Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd of June, 2018 Class for MA students: Friday 1st – Tuesday 5th of June, 2018 Shedhalle, Rote Fabrik Seestr. 295, Zürich The symposium invites students, art educators, researchers and cultural producers to reflect on the histories of education in and through art. The…
Stories of Arts Education: Paulo Freire in Geneva
by microsillons – Geneva/Zurich research group INTRODUCTION / POSITIONING Since we began to develop collaborative pedagogical art projects as the collective microsillons in 2006, the work of Paulo Freire has been a key reference for us. It’s only years after reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed [1] for the first time that we found out that…