intertwining hi/stories
Meeting in Maseru – January 2018
In January 2018 two clusters: intertwining hi/stories and the Africa Cluster met in Maseru, Lesotho. The main purpose for the intertwining hi/stories to meet, was to work on the educational tools of the cluster: the Learning Units and the Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline. The meeting coincided with the 5th Ba re e ne re Literature Festival in Maseru.…
ARAC Will Convene for its 3rd Colloquium in Maseru (7-13 January 2017)
from January 7 to 13, 2018 The 3 rd Colloquium gathering of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) will take place in Maseru, Lesotho from 7-13 January 2018. The aim for this meeting is to present prototypes of learning units for arts education that ARAC working groups have been developing. In this context, learning units…
Arts Education Festival Vienna, MON OCT 02 Unfolding the UN/CHRONOLOGICAL TIMELINE
Developing critical literacies / Phase 2
PROJECT TITLE: LANGUAGE LITERACY AS AN AGENT FOR CREATIVITY/ARTS EDUCATION Phase 2. Prepared by Lineo Segoete and Zachary Rosen Overview Our practice-based research seeks to: In performing the research, our team will survey students and teachers, each with a different questionnaire, to evaluate the baseline environment and identify opportunities for improvement. ACTION PLAN 2017-2018…
First issue, april 2017 “Intertwining HiStories” is a cluster of Another Roadmap School for Art Education ( It gathers educators, researchers and artists based in Maseru, Johannesburg, Hong Kong, Lubumbashi, Nyanza, Vienna, Kampala/Namulanda and Geneva/Zurich. Since Summer 2016, they study past and present histories of arts education and their global overlapping within particular case studies…
Excerpts from an Interim Report: Activities of Johannesburg, Lubumbashi and Maseru Working Groups (2016-2017)
The Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) aims remain to: make a critical and timely contribution to the development of practice and policy in our field. To this end, the project strives to support the development of innovative arts and education projects at grassroots level while at the same time networking Africa-based scholars and practitioners, and…
Our Common Ghosts: the Nyanza and Kampala Working Groups Meet at the Venice Biennale (May 2017)
from mayo 10 to 14, 2017 V-A-C Foundation, Pallazzo delle Zattere, Dorsoduro 1401, Venice, Italy “OUR COMMON GHOSTS consists of a week-long live audio-visual working session, held in a reconstruction of Aleksandr Rodchenko’s Workers’ Club, and a Print Room conceived by me. This work week centres on contributions by philosopher Isaïe Nzeyimana and artist…
Africa Cluster Colloquium 2 (April 2017) Public Programme
The Another Roadmap Africa Cluster held their Second Colloquium from 3-7 April, 2017. We reserved the Thursday and part of the Friday for public events hosted at the Wits University School of Arts and School of Education. Highlights Thursday 6 April, 8-11am, Public timeline making event at Wits School of Education ARAC members were invited…
Drafts for an un/chrono/logical timeline: Kampala
A timeline of Arts Education from the Kampala working group View PDF