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ARAC at Lephephe Print Gatherings 4 (February 2020)

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The ARAC-ARA Symposium on Artistic Education in Africa ended in style at the 4th Lephephe Print Gathering at the King Kong Building in Johannesburg on Saturday 15 February 2020.

inspired by intiatives such as Ba re e ne re Literature Festival, Rutanang Book Fair, Abantu Book Festival, Tjo!Storyfest and the Jozi Book Fair, Lephephe Print Gatherings is an experiment in the distribution of printed material. A space for workshops, conversations, performances and launches, Lephephe aims to foster and nurture the age-old appreciation of cultural production and specifically art, literature, food and music. Information on Gatherings 1, 2 and 3 can be found here

Alongside the book fair and the live zine-making session led by the artistic collective INVADE (who had generously volunteered to help ARAC co-ordinate the public sessions), we organised an iteration of the Johannesburg Working Group’s Un/chronological Timeline, presented the ARAC zines, the Intertwining Hi/Stories Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline game, and we encouraged attendees to engage with our questions and provocations. We provided notebooks in which they could gather copies of materials alongside their own questions and ideas. Rubén Gaztambide-Fernañdez gave a keynote on ‘the orders of cultural production’. The evening culminated in People Who Think Together Dance Together – our (by now) traditional dance party.

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