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Fulbright Specialist Recommends that Learning Units created by the Kampala Working Group are used as Templates for Art School Curricula (August 2019)

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The US-based artist and art educator Sherry Erskine spent a semester in residence at the Nagenda International Academy of Art in Design (NIAAD), home of the Kampala Working Group. While she was at NIAAD, Sherry, who is a Fulbright Specialist in World Learning, both observed teaching and reviewed curricula.

In the report that she submitted at the end of her residency, Sherry recommended to NIAAD Senior Management that the academy adopt the teaching and learning formats developed through practice-based research by the Kampala Working Group within the context of the Intertwining Hi/Stories research as a template for all diploma and certificate course modules!

Whatsapp image 2020 07 08 at 13.08

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