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The Maseru Working Group contributes to the VANSA Organising Handbook (October 2018)

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Lineo Segoete (Maseru) was invited by Visual Arts Network South Africa (VANSA) to attend a meeting of arts, cultural and arts educational peers from the region that eventually resulted in the creation of a handbook for ‘organising’. The book details some of the experiences of and strategies for organising that are currently
adopted by arts and cultural organisations in Southern Africa so as to achieve the furtherance of creative practices and cultural expressions.

The meeting itself emerged out of a report by VANSA, commissioned by the Ford Foundation Southern Africa in 2016/17. The original report was an in-depth discussion on new forms of arts organising in Southern Africa, the state of arts infrastructure in the region, and a longer discussion of the impact of the
history of the region.

This publication includes some excerpts from that report and brings these together with thoughts and learnings that emerged out of the organising workshop.
The VANSA Organising Handbook is free to download or to read online here.

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