From Liu yi (六藝) (SIX ARTS) to Yi shu (藝術) (FINE ARTS)

The story is about how the usage of “Yi” in 300 BC-100BC, “Yi shu” in 420-445AD and the same

term “Yi shu” in the turn of 20th century reflect the threat of cultural imperialism to China.

Yuk-Lin Cheng

holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master in Art Education from Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München and a PhD in Art Education from University of Southern Queensland. She has devoted time to training art teachers for kindergartens and primary schools in Macau and Hong Kong for over twenty years. She served as Lecturer at University of Macau from 1996 to 2009. As the same time, she was also the consultant of Visual Arts Curriculum Macau and reviewer of visual arts education in Macau. From 2009 to 2017, she served as a Senior Teaching Fellow at the Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include comparative studies of arts education with emphasis on Western influences on Chinese arts education. She is currently conducting a research project Tracing the route of importing Western, especially German ideas on art and arts education to China.

The Storytelling Sessions took place within the Intertwining Hi/Stories Arts Education Festival in Vienna in October 2017. Download the full festival programme

