Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline

Updates from the making process

Un chronological timeline cards sketch

The idea of making the

Un/Chronological Timeline

into a card game evolved from an exercise introduced by Nastia and Masha (from the Moscow Working Group) in their workshop within the Vienna Arts Education Festival in October 2017. During the game a temporary interactive timeline was constructed by the participants, including information from their own contexts. Such timeline has an


character, because the elements of it are not fixed. New connections between cards are established every time they are played with, so that the way history is represented keeps changing and evolving and is open to be questioned, de- and re-constructed and represented in new ways.

Each Working Group will contribute several cards, presenting the most important information about a historical event / figure / artifact / book / etc. from their research in a brief and compact form. These cards will serve as simple access points to the vast archive of each research and link to extended information contained in the Learning Units. Moreover, the card can be a versatile tool used not only for building and representing the


, but also for teaching and other educational activities, and as an element of the Traveling Exhibition Kit.

The first trial of the

Un/Chronological Timeline

card game took place during the meeting in Maseru. Following collected feedbacks, as well as suggestions from the card design commitee (Andrea Hubin, Christian, Marianne, Nora, Olivier and me) few weeks ago


and I met in Geneva in order to design the final template for the card.

The new version of the timeline will be tested during the

intertwining hi/stories of arts education

symposium in Zürich in June 2018.

Please see the result of our working session below:

Un chronological timeline card template print back

Un chronological timeline card template print inside

Un chronological timeline card template print front

Img 1074

Img 1069