Ayo Adewunmi
Alejandro Cevallos
Andrea Thal
Cedrick Nzolo Ngamobu
David Andrew
David Patrick
Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa
Emeka Ogboh
Fouad Asfour
Isaie Nzeyimana
Jean Kamba
cairo working group COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group kampala working group maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna
Public presentations in Madrid
Working groups of the Africa Cluster shared their practices and ongoing as well as planned research in public talks at Intermediae in Madrid, at the International Meeting of the Another Roadmap School (18th to 22nd of october 2015). Some of the talks are now available on video! Lineo Segoete & Rangoato Hlasane: Reclaim your Story…
Inaugural meeting of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster
23 – 25 July 2015 The inaugural meeting of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster took place at the Nagenda International Academy of Art & Design (NIAAD) in Namulanda, Uganda 23 – 25 July 2015. The aim of this meeting was to plan the joint programme of research that the working groups in the Africa Cluster…