ARAC COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group kampala working group maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna
The Maseru Working Group contributes to the VANSA Organising Handbook (October 2018)
Lineo Segoete (Maseru) was invited by Visual Arts Network South Africa (VANSA) to attend a meeting of arts, cultural and arts educational peers from the region that eventually resulted in the creation of a handbook for ‘organising’. The book details some of the experiences of and strategies for organising that are currently adopted by arts…
Contributions from the Johannesburg and Kinshasa Working Groups published in Artl@s Bulletin 7, no. 1 (2018)
Essays by David Andrew (Johannesburg Working Group) and Cedrick Nzolo (Kinshasa Working Group) have been published in a special issue of Artl@s Bulletin , “ Mediating Past, Present and Future of D.R.Congo’s Historical Narratives on Art in a Global South Dialogue ” This special issue aims to bring to readers some of the main themes,…
storytelling and creative writing for the Lephephe Print Gatherings (15-16 February 2018)
Puleng Plessie (Johannesburg) and Lineo Segoete (Maseru) joined forces to run a day-long creative writing for high school students at Metropolitan College in Johannesburg. The following day, the students alongside other young people shared their work in a publicstorytelling session during the Lephephe Print Gathering at the King Kong Building.
ARAC participates in the 2nd NEPAD Regional Conference on Arts Education in Africa (23-27 May 2017)
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), an economic development program of the African Union, launched regional Arts Education Conferences in 2015 to bring together various stakeholders to share learning experiences and best practices and work together in a consultative manner towards developing a continental framework to guide the implementation of Arts Education in Africa.…