ARAC COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group kampala working group maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna
École du soir (evening school)
This project has been ongoing since 2015 and is part of Another Roadmap School (AR), We view arts education as deeply embedded in social and political contexts – but also as a possibility to question and transform the social. The evening school method is inspired by the Senegalese writer and director Sembène Ousmane, who saw…
“Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures”: A New Project for 2020
When the project “ Letters to/from Cairo, Dehli, Gwangju/Cologne, Johannesburg & Richmond: Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures” started, the method was a meditation on “ Fantasy, Thought, Feeling and Speculation as Action” through a set/suite of questions, prompts and propositions: How do we, in the year 2020/10 or whenever…
Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) participation in the #Im4thearts Capacity Building Winter School (22-24 June 2020)
Formed in January 2020, #Im4theArts is an artist-led movement for the rights of all workers in the South African arts sector with 18,000 Facebook and 800 formally registered members that are working for accountability and economic sustainability in the creative sector. The #Im4theArts Winter School was a response to members’ needs for capacity-building. As part…
Nyanza Working Group launches «École du Soir» (February 2020)
École du soir (Evening School, EDS for short) is a multiform hosting structure for collective feeling, cooperative thinking, and mutual action. EDS is convened by artist Christian Nyampeta, with the support of and alongside a chorus of fellow artists, institutions, and networks. The structure of this “evening school” draws from Senegalese writer and film director Ousmane…
Nyanza Working Group meets with anthropologist Natacha Nsabimana at Sculpture Center and e-flux in New York (14 – 26 October, 2019)
In October 2019, the Nyanza Working Group convened a work week in New York that brought Isaïe Nzeyimana from Huye in Rwanda to New York, where he attended and led interpretation workshops of his own French writing that is being translated collectively into English for the first time. The week culminated in; An Evening with…
ARAC Zines
Members of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) put together zines in 2018 as a summary of their individual research projects and activities. The Zines may be viewed as a repository of the key components of knowledge creation and dissemination embarked on by the various members, or they may be used as learning/teaching aids for…
Nyanza Working Group convenes a Conference at Kagbayi Grand Seminary Philosophicum St Thomas Aquinas for UNESCO World Philosophy Day (23 January 2019)
In January 2019, Christian Nyampeta and Isaie Nzeyimana of the Nyanza Working Group co-convened a conference on the occasion of World Philosophy Day, an event organized annually by the National Commission of UNESCO, in collaboration with ARPHI (the Association Rwandaise des Philosophes). This year’s theme was the relationship between art and philosophy, and it was…