ARAC COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY glossary intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group kampala working group maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna


  • “A Communion of Spirits”:  Another Roadmap International Meeting in Huye, RW (August 2018)

    “A Communion of Spirits”: Another Roadmap International Meeting in Huye, RW (August 2018)

    In August 2018 delegates of all working groups of Another Roadmap School gathered for one week at the building of the currently shut down Faculty of Media, Arts and Technology (NSPA) in Huye, Rwanda. The gathering gave the intertwining hi/stories cluster an opportunity to share results of their interconnected researches with other clusters. Throughout the meeting participants and guests contributed…

  • ARAC Will Convene for its 3rd Colloquium in Maseru (7-13 January 2017)

    from January 7 to 13, 2018 The 3 rd Colloquium gathering of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) will take place in Maseru, Lesotho from 7-13 January 2018. The aim for this meeting is to present prototypes of learning units for arts education that ARAC working groups have been developing. In this context, learning units…

  • Our Common Ghosts (Nyanza Working Group)

    from May 18 to 19, 2017 Parko Eleftherias, Athens Municipality Arts Center and Museum of Anti-dictatorial and Democratic Resistance, Vassilissis Sofias, Athens In 1987 Martin Bernal published Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization putting forward a controversial thesis that tried to delink Greek history from the western narratives that emerged after the…

  • Our Common Ghosts: the Nyanza and Kampala Working Groups Meet at the Venice Biennale (May 2017)

    from mayo 10 to 14, 2017 V-A-C Foundation, Pallazzo delle Zattere, Dorsoduro 1401, Venice, Italy “OUR COMMON GHOSTS consists of a week-long live audio-visual working session, held in a reconstruction of Aleksandr Rodchenko’s Workers’ Club, and a Print Room conceived by me. This work week centres on contributions by philosopher Isaïe Nzeyimana and artist…

  • Nyanza working group

    Artists Home, the project that Christian Nyampeta is currently developing in collaboration with philosophers working in Rwanda and further afield, will be a community house in Nyanza, Rwanda. It will be home to an artistic programme modelled on the “home”: a home for research, theory and practice engaged with the conceptualisation, theorisation and materialisation of…


    Artists Home, the project that Christian Nyampeta is currently developing in collaboration with philosophers working in Rwanda and further afield, will be a community house in Nyanza, Rwanda. It will be home to an artistic programme modelled on the “home”: a home for research, theory and practice engaged with the conceptualisation, theorisation and materialisation of…