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Workshop: Mapping alternative art education practices in russia. A board game

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Mapping Alternative Art Education Practices in Russia. A Board Game by Nastia Tarasova and Maria Sarycheva

The workshop took place at the intertwining hi/stories Arts Education Festival on FRI OCT 06, 2017, 10:00 – 13:00
Exhibition Center Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Vienna

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Do you know what’s happening in Russia in terms of arts education practices?
Do you know what’s happening in Russia at all?

We ourselves do not know what is happening here. The scale of the country itself brings the constant feeling of unknowing which we do not want to experience anymore. We want to understand how Russian artists are getting their education, in which forms they share their knowledge and in which terms they talk about art with the audience. We want to understand what is happening here. We invite you to join this process of mapping of alternative arts education practices, formed after 1991, and we will start this process in Moscow. In Russia we are treating maps seriously. “The country we never saw”; and the map of Russia became a symbol of the first Garage Triennial of Russian Art, one of the influential art institutions in Russia. Taking the physicality of the map as a starting point of the board game, we invite you to mark together with us main political events after 1991 and to trace the points of intersection between contemporary Russian history and alternative arts education practices.

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