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Preparatory readings for Sao Paulo

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Dear colleagues,

thanks for uploading and sending the results from your first research phase! What follows is an ovierview of all stories, timelines and other materials that are the necessary readings for preparing the meeting in Sao Paulo. Please take time to read the texts, so in the meeting we have the chance to keep the presentations very short and use the time for working together on the next steps and the intertwinings between our case studies.


PDF version)


Hong Kong

PDF Version)



Paulo Freire in Geneva (PDF version)

Draft for an un/chrono/logical timeline

Foundations for an art education research-practice to re-engage Freire in Zurich (PDF version)

Additional sources: Archive materials on the "School of emigrants" SPE (in german and italian)


Literacy as an agent for creativity

(PDF versions:

Questionnaire student reflections

Questionnaire teacher reflections

Analysis of curriculum and assessment policy

Analysis of language curricula

Data analysis of questionnaire

Research timeline)



Forsaken (overlapping) utopias  (PDF version text)




Margaret Trowell's School of Art (pdf)

Kampala timeline (pdf)



NEW: Replay 1970 and timeline

(pdf version Story)

(pdf Timeline)

(pdf story, french version)


Artists Home Notebook

visual materials including transcriptions of conversations

edited conversation


Invited researchers

Claudia Hummel: A contemporary survery through restaging - learning from the 1970ies  (PDF version)

NEW: Catrin Seefranz: abstract "Alphateizing the museum" (Pdf)

(Additional Material: Article "Northeasternized Modernism")

Documents on the research project

Research plan with details on all groups' projects

 NEW: Summary of the application to Mercator Foundation with list of expected project outcomes (pdf)

NEW: Theoretical and methodological foundations (extension of the research plan)

Meeting documents

Schedule, participant list,...: in this folder


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