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Path: Missionary dimensions in Arts Education

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A wholistic interrogation and analysis of the extent to which western missionary leadership and autonomy configured arts education in the Global South. These learning units explore the ways in which missionaries, though noble in their cause, were supremacist in their process. Through the research carried out by these working groups, we learn that missionary intervention was harmful in the way that it infantilised the people who were the targets of civilisation and emancipation, while undermining and devaluing pre-existing local symbolic creative works. The working groups have designed exercises and activities that are aimed to trigger a more critical engagement that prompts educators and learners to question and reassess the enduring image of missionaries that is engraved in most people’s minds.

By Lineo Segeote



Un_chrono_logical_timeline – Maseru – 1833 – 1876

Learning Unit – Maseru – Decolonising Literacy with Critical Pedagogy

 Un_chrono_logical_timeline – Zurich – 1892

 Un_chrono_logical timeline – Kampala – 1967

Learning Unit – Geneva/Zurich – Reengaging Freire: Paulo and Elza in Geneva


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