wits school of art
Current members
“Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures”: A New Project for 2020
When the project “ Letters to/from Cairo, Dehli, Gwangju/Cologne, Johannesburg & Richmond: Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures” started, the method was a meditation on “ Fantasy, Thought, Feeling and Speculation as Action” through a set/suite of questions, prompts and propositions: How do we, in the year 2020/10 or whenever…
ARAC Partners with Arts Research Africa to Convene a Symposium on Artistic Education in Johannesburg (10-18 February 2020)
At the invitation of Arts Research Africa (a research initiative of the Wits School of the Arts, the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) convened a Symposium on Artistic Research in Africa that took place at Wits University, Keleketla! Library and other sites of knowledge production and speculation in Johannesburg, 10-18 February 2020. Another Roadmap for…
Johannesburg Working Group organises two further Iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline in April and May 2019
Two further iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline have taken place in Johannesburg – one at theSymposium ‘Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies’ at the Bag Factory and the other at Wits University Braamfontein Campus during Africa Month. 5-6 April 2019 Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies: A symposium The Bag Factory Artists’ Studios, The Swedish Embassy in…