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People who think together dance together: Africa Cluster Colloquium 2

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You are invited to the closing events of the third meeting of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC), which will take place on Friday 7 April 2017 from 6pm at Keleketla! Library in Johannesburg, ZA.


6pm - 7.30pm:

The delegates will meet to reflect publicly on the knowledges that have been produced and shared this week, and to think together about the way forward.


7.30pm till late

People who think together, dance together - dance party of the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster with fine selections by:

- Puleng Plessie (Johannesburg)

- DJ Pearls Fischer (Harare/London)

- Twist & Turn (Nyanza/New York) and Patrick Mudekereza (Lubumbashi)

- Motoho Curdz (Maseru/Washington DC)

- And More!


Keleketla! Library at King Kong

6 Verwey Street, Troyeville

Free entrance


* * *


About ARAC

The Another Roadmap Africa Cluster are an ever-expanding group of scholars and practitioners of artistic and cultural education who are working in both formal and informal contexts within the African continent. Since 2015 they have been engaged in collaborate research into arts educational practices in their respective localities within Africa. Their research is critically informed and grounded in historical analysis, particularly with respect to Africa’s colonial heritage. The group’s aim is to build a shared knowledge base and a structure of mutual learning that will benefit African practitioners and contribute to advances in thinking and practice worldwide.


Learn more here: http://colivre.net/africa-cluster/blog/another-roadmap-africa-cluster


This project is supported by an ANT Funding Grant from Pro Helvetia Johannesburg financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).


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