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Tasks research phase #1 (email by Lineo)

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Dear members of Another Roadmap Histories Cluster,


As each of our working groups prepares for our meeting in Sao Paulo Nora and I discussed a few points which may serve as a point of departure or guidance for the sake of consistency and coherence. 


As we have agreed in the skype-meeting of the Cluster some time ago, we will do a first research phase on Histories of Arts Education in the time from now until the meeting in October. The IAE has secured funding for this (1000 CHF per working group, see my separate email on the invoices).


For the initial research phase we do not necessarily have to have a 'master-plan' of how our respective researches fit together but each group must have a research-story/case study. What we propose are 2 working modes that could serve as a basis for the meeting in Sao Paolo:


1) Initial steps in the research on one “Story”/Case Study concerning the histories of Arts Education. This means that, for example, if the Lubumbashi working group is working on a narration of events that took place in their city in 1970 they can also factor in the influences that led to those events, be it literature, meetings, governance etc. It also takes into account the international connections that become visible around the local events and concepts.

Outcome: A “story” (written text, a video, an audio file...) from each working group that can be made available on the website


2) Each working group can provide a timeline that indicates important moments/events in the history of arts education in their respective localities. This timeline collects information on the history of arts education in a broader period of time than the specific story/case study. This means that each working group should provide a background which is complemented by the unravelling of events that culminated into the period of interest as well as the aftermath after that period.


Outcome: a timeline of relevant historical events/moments/developments by each working group. Timeline can be in the form that was discussed in Madrid, that is, focus on the relevant moments within a time-frame. Key information to include in this would be specific dates/time, people involved, references and key concepts…. We have provided a basic template for such a timeline (attached). It is very chrono-logical, a logics that we also want to criticize. So we look forward to your ideas of other possible forms of illustration of historical events, that break up the homogeneous chronology.

The idea is to bring all our timelines in relation to each other when we meet in Sao Paulo. 


Knowing this information provides a solid foundation for the plotting of alternatives towards the improvement, creation and dissemination of knowledge.  

We propose that each working group shared these results by the End of September.


Please let me know until next Monday (May 23) if you agree with this way of working. Suggestions are very welcome.



This will be all for now, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself and Nora and we will be glad to help. 


PS Please remember to nominate one representative and a second (for when funding is made available) who will be present at the Sao Paulo meeting in October. 


Best regards, 

Lineo Segoete

Interim- coordinator | Another Roadmap - Africa Cluster

LS (+266) 57966632

SA (+27) 721555119

Skype: lineo_feline

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