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São Paulo Meeting

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1784 32 bienal de sao paulo ja tem data marcada para 2016 big
from October 23 to 30, 2016 Fundação Bienal de São Paulo Parque Ibirapuera - Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n - Ibirapuera, São Paulo

The cluster Intertwining Histories and the Africa Cluster will hold a week-long encounter of internal work and semi-public programmes in collaboration with the 32nd biennial of São Paulo. From 24th to 26th of october (Mon-Wed) will be the internal working sessions on the Intertwining Hi/Stories project and the Africa Cluster.
From 27th to 29th there will be semi-public encounters organized with the biennial with educators, researchers and artists in São Paulo and involved in the biennial.

Source: Intertwining Histories

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