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Option: between alphabetization in Europe and the "relearning that Africa offers me"

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Interview passage of Sérgio Guimarães with Paulo Freire, University Lyon II, 1978

(translation for portuguese: Nora Landkammer)

Sérgio: [...] there is a question that you did not respond to, Paulo. It's the question about the fact of your being in Geneva and the problem of alphabetization of foreigners.

Paulo: I wouldn't say that I have worked systematically on this. Yet, in these years in Geneva I have had contacts, in Geneva, in Paris, in certain cities in Germany, with groups that work with migrant workers in alphabetization. But without any deeper involvement. The issue is that when one reaches the age I have now, there is the question of decisions, of where one places one's engagement.

In this moment, for example, for me the relearning that Africa offers me is absolutely important, fundamental. I don't have much time, my existential limit unfortunately starts telling me: "Look, Paulo, take care!" So, between doing one little thing here and there, and dedicate myself more rigorously to one type of study, I have to opt for the most important thing.

For example, my life now has to be measured and weighed, it was a long time ago that Sérgio made the first attempts [for me to come here, transl. note]. This is not because a priori I have an attitude of disinterest for you, no. But it is for the following reason: for me to come here means that I left my house, I went to the station, I bought a ticket, I took a train at 9, arrived here at 11, and will go back at night. This is important. But it happens, that if I did this constantly, if I started to accept invitations form other groups at universities in Europe to do this once a week, what would happen to my work in Africa, to what I am studying and preparing for my work there?

  • Working groups: Geneva/Zurich
  • Media type: Text document (web)
  • Author: Freire, Paulo; Guimarães, Sérgio
  • Date: 1978
  • Source: Freire, Paulo; Guimarães, Sérgio (2003): A África ensinando a gente. Angola, Guiné-Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe. São Paulo: Paz e terra,
  • Comment: Interesting passage that makes clear how Freire viewed Geneva as a strategic point for his engagement on the African continent, and purposely did not engage in a "local" work there, although he mentions contacts to migrant organizations.
  • Place of production: University Lyon II
  • Places mentioned: Geneva; Paris; Germany; Lyon; "Africa"
  • Names mentioned:

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